As the New Year begins, so does our opportunity at Anderson Investigative Associates (AIA) to provide innovative, flexible and customized interview training to each of our customers. After 30 plus years of government experience in investigations, auditing, interviewing and training; the opportunity to expand into the private sector is the next avenue to convey these tried and true investigative and interviewing methods to a new and dynamic audience. We are personally focused on this ever important area of training for human resources, evaluators, inspectors, auditors, and investigators. We want to provide training that you can receive at a class and begin implementing as soon as you return to the field.
We have the expertise, experience, and knowledge to convey practical applications in the training environment, with supporting theory as to is value and worth. AIA will endeavor to be smart, flexible, and modern to meet the needs of our customers. We will consistently further our vision of individual, enhanced professional development across the investigative and audit community, for years to come. We are very interested in what our customers and prospective professionals would like to see in interview and inquiry training. Please let us know!