Mark A. Anderson
Director of Training and Development
Anderson Investigative Associates
In almost all of our training, we at some point focus on these three C’s. When it comes to interviewing, confidence, competence, and credibility are essential tools for success and often elude even the most experienced investigators. There is a concept among many supervisors and managers that once trained always trained. This totally fails to recognize the multifarious benefits of ongoing and refresher training to interviewers. Not only is this true for interviewers but also in the leadership realm where the successful implementation of these skills will maximize results in ways that will benefit for an entire career.
These three C’s that we will examine are: Credibility; Competence; and Confidence. They are inextricably connected. I’m an introvert by personality type, but can interview with the best of them because of the successful implementation of these three C’s. Whatever your interviewing shortcomings might be, you too will see much better results if you fully understand and implement them.
Our training is designed to increase competence. We receive initial interview training, but often work for years without the knowledge of the theory behind, or why we do what we have been told. We must know why rapport is essential. We need to know how that connects to our evidence presentation and our resulting theme development. Having this knowledge and understanding equips us for seamless, confident execution. It is important to know what to do, but also why we need to do what we do. If we know what we need to do and know the theory behind it, we will be committed to execute according to plan. This increased competence results in greater confidence and resulting credibility, which further increases desired results.
Credibility is essential to effective, ethical interviewing. In research results, the number one reason an offender tells us what they did is the credibility of the interviewer. Doing what you say you are going to do and having integrity builds relationship and trust. Why would you expect the person that is lying to you would tell you the truth if you, too, are lying. It makes no sense. We tend to violate this in the interviewing room when we lack competence and confidence. It is our fall back when we have come up short on effective well-planned techniques. Lack of credibility is directly connected to a lack of effective planning. Having credibility results in increased confidence and the resulting appearance of interviewing competence.
Confidence, not arrogance, is the third of the three C’s. Confidence is strengthened by positioning yourself with credibility and competence. It is also bolstered with good planning and preparation. Things often don’t go as you anticipate, but with planning, competence, and credibility, you will be prepared for the eventualities of the interview. You will be able to adjust and adapt to direct the interview toward successful completion.
I will never change my introverted nature, but with competence, credibility, and confidence, I can focus on task and subjugate the introvert nature to accomplish the task. This is true for you too in the interviewing realm, no matter the shortcoming. These three will serve to improve whatever you do. So many leaders and interviewers exist in their professional environment without the training and information that allows them to develop this successful mix of competence, credibility, and confidence.
Anderson Investigative Associates customizes training to your specific needs. If you have any questions, or would like to discuss the above blog or any training need, please reach out to me. Additional issues pertaining to interviewing and investigations can be found in other blogs that we have written and are contained in most blocks of instruction that our company presents.
If you have additional questions or comments, give me a shout. In the meantime, be well and stay safe out there.
Mark A. Anderson
Director of Training and Development
Anderson Investigative Associates, llc
128 Oarsman Xing
St. Marys, GA 31558