“It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so.” -Mark Twain- I don’t know about you, but early on in my career the subject of bias was rarely if ever discussed. Now, I hear about
Read more →“The only real difference between Anxiety and Excitement was my willingness to let go of Fear.” -Barbara Brown Taylor- Everybody worries sometimes. Right now, you’ve probably even got a few worries on your mind. You might be thinking about a relationship or a situation at work, causing
Read more →Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. -Dale Carnegie- Another opportunity is here to present a topic that is essential in the field of investigating, auditing, and definitely interviewing. Any topic I address is targeted at our work life, but the applicability of this
Read more →There are those that contend, that in its simplest form, life is a series of choices. This is certainly, in some sense, true. Except that it’s not that simple, because life itself is not that simple. The complexity of life or, rather, living a life, means that
Read more →If you are in the business of doing interviews in investigations, audits, inspections, compliance, or the human resources arena decision making is a foundational part of your profession. However, the skill-set of well-thought-out decisions based on empirical evidence seems to be waning. All too often we see
Read more →Denial is the shock absorber for the soul. It protects us until we are equipped to cope with reality. -C. S. Lewis Why is it essential that we deal with Denials? When conducting an interview, it’s important to effectively handle any denials from the interviewee. We as
Read more →Mark A. Anderson Director of Training and Development Anderson Investigative Associates Why more training? How is interviewing changing? What is different now than it was 20 years ago? How does that affect our ability to be prepared for interactions in the interview suite? These are all
Read more →“Sticks and stones may break your bones, but names will never hurt you.” What, “thank you” in an interview? Are you crazy? That isn’t how they do it on television. Why would you do that with someone that is an adversary? Well, first of all, if you
Read more →Do we need more interview training, or once we have been trained up, is that enough? There are numerous organizations that believe once you have that requisite basic interview training, you are good to go for a career of interviewing. Research clearly shows that this couldn’t be
Read more →It is such a blessing to be able to get out and provide training that generates results as soon as the attendee returns to the field. We know that research specifically identifies that employees that receive refresher training in interviewing are significantly more effective than their peers
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